Our College

Ever since the British period the twin towns of Tirunelveli and Palayamkottai, intersected by the Perennial River Thamirabarani, have been great centres of learning. The Tirunelveli district has a sizeable Muslim population which necessitated the need for an institution of higher education. Due to the dedicated and sincere efforts of the Muslim elite, a College of Arts and Sciences, named after the renowned Arabic scholar Sadakathullah Appa, was started in 1971.

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Sadakathullah Appa College, founded by the Muslim minority community, is committed to provide quality higher education to all especially the Muslims, both men and women and other deprived, disadvantaged, underprivileged sections of the society. It is equally committed to inculcate the students with spiritual and moral values. The college aims at producing good and useful citizens worthy of the great land.




To offer Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in Humanities, Arts and Sciences.

To Undertake, Initiate and Promote Research both Pure and Applied at M.Phil and Ph.D Levels.

To offer Extension Services.

Valuable Desk

Valuable Desk from our Secretary, our Principal and our Vice Principal

Sadakathullah Appa College named after the renowned Arabic scholar Sadakathullah Appa, was started in 1971. It symbolizes the unflinching and resolute commitment of great visionaries

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Alhaj.T.E.S. Fathu Rabbani


On behalf of the Management and Staff of Sadakathullah Appa College, I welcome you to our College website. Our College is an extraordinary place where we feel togetherness in working.

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Dr.S.M.Abdul Kader


I am very proud to note that Sadakathullah Appa College is the only Autonomous, Accredited, ISO Certified and Government Aided Muslim Minority College.

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Dr. S. M. A. Syed Mohamed Khaja

Vice Principal (Unaided Courses)



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